Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Fifteen Minutes

I'm not quite sure how to "file" this, but I thought my blog readers (all three of you) might be interested.

That great video hosting site that I love ( allows users to create "channels". A channel is simply a place to showcase videos that have something in common. Anybody can create a channel on vimeo and add any videos they like to the channel. Channels are organized into categories (comedy, music, nature, etc.) making them a great way to discover new videos.

The creator of the Classical Music channel on vimeo stumbled across my piano videos and added my Moza Donosa video to the channel. I think it's pretty cool to see my video somewhere that I didn't put it. (But I amuse easily).


  1. Hi Kenneth,

    I checked out the Classical Music Channel; you are among some distinguished performers, and you fit right in. It was fun to see you there.

  2. Hi Kenneth, I'm glad you posted this notice. Placement in the Classical Music Channel is an appropriate recognition from another musician. It must also please you, given your attention to this detail, that the quality of your recording actually surpasses many of the others on the site.

    I was also glad of the opportunity to hear some of the other performances, like the Chopin Concerto, that Betty Jo played orchestra with one of Paulette's students. I will check back on this site. Maybe Perez will pick up on some of your other works.

    Again, thanks.

  3. Hi Kenneth,
    I did not log on to the Classical Music Channel so the "like" button did not work for me. What matters is the pleasure I got in watching you at the piano and in listening to you play. Thanks for the link to this site. Congratulations on being there.
